
Defending the 12th century since the 14th; blogging since the 21st.

Catholicism, Conservatism, the Middle Ages, Opera, and Historical and Literary Objets d'Art blogged by a suburban dad who teaches law and writes stuff.

"Very fun." -- J. Bottum, Editor, FIRST THINGS

"Too modest" -- Elinor Dashwood

"Perhaps the wisest man on the Web" -- Henry Dieterich

"Hat tip: me (but really Cacciaguida)" -- Diana Feygin, Editor, THE YALE FREE PRESS

"You are my sire. You give me confidence to speak. You raise my heart so high that I am no more I." -- Dante

"Fabulous!"-- Warlock D.J. Prod of Didsbury

Who was Cacciaguida? See Dante's PARADISO, Cantos XV, XVI, & XVII.

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Sunday, May 31, 2009
Tiller the Killer killed. NEMESIS.

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Robby George v. Doug Kmiec

At 5 p.m. this afternoon, American Papist will be liveblogging a debate between noted natural law champion Prof. Robert George and noted apostate Prof. Douglas Kmiec, moderated by Harvard Law prof, former U.S. Vatican Ambassador, and noted saint-in-the-making Mary Ann Glendon.

The topic is "The Obama Administration and the Sanctity of Human Life." Since there's no verb in there, I'll assume the implication is "Two great tastes that go great together," with Kmiec in the "aff" and George in the "neg."

Here, a pro-abortion blogger endorses the Sotomayor nomination with reservations. But it's the comments that are really wild....

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Today's news, very briefly: North Korea detonates first Hispanic gay marriage.

Been busy; back with more soon.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Queen's Trinity Cross honour deemed unlawful by Privy Council

An honour established by the Queen has been declared unlawful after Muslims and Hindus complained that its Christian name and cross insignia were offensive.

Sunday, May 03, 2009
JACK KEMP, 1935-2009. Footballer, congressman, pro-lifer, tax-cutter, idea-politician, presidential hopeful who achieved more than some presidents do.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Specter: I did warn you. (Ignore Emperor and scroll down to April 22, 2004.) Well, Pat Toomey's on the move again....